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Forutsigelse av kamp: Boston Breach - Atlanta FaZe | Call of Duty

Call of Duty League 2023: Stage 1 Major Qualifiers
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Boston Breach will play Atlanta FaZe in the Call of Duty League 2023: Stage 1 Major Qualifiers format.

Boston Breach Team Uniform:

Last season was Boston's debut season. Summing up, we can say that it was quite successful, because we took 6th place in the regular season. At the same time, there should have been a residue, because they flew straight to the Championship 2022, where they lost to the future champions, and then in the lower bracket they flew out of the tournament from Toronto. Line-up changes affected this team, where "Cap" and "TJ" left, "Owakening" came.

Boston Breach team line-up:



• Nero

• Owakening

Team Atlanta FaZe Uniform:

It was a very strange season, the fact is that the team took 1st place in the regular season, but could not take 1st place in the Major and in the Championship. Second-place season, that's how you could describe last season. There were no changes in the team for about 2 years, but here changes followed. "Arcitys" left the team and "Slasher" came to replace it, but "Prestinni" also left the team as a substitute.

Team Atlanta FaZe:

• aBeZy

• Cellium

• Simp

• Slasher

Prediction for the game:

For me, the main player Feiz was removed too controversial, which may raise some questions. Boston, however, strengthened with their acquisition, although before that they had "Cap" quite interesting, but they put him on the bench. However, in the first game we will look closely at the changed teams. Regarding the forecast, I recommend playing Atlanta FaZe with caution.

Alle spill tips: EGWxxxBOT

Bookmakers & Statistics

Boston Breach
Boston Breach
Atlanta FaZe
Atlanta FaZe

I følge ledende bookmakers spådommer er laget Atlanta FaZe favoritten med gjennomsnittlige odds 1.347 for øyeblikket. Bookmakere anser henholdsvis Boston Breach for å være kampens outsider med odds på seier på summen av ca. 3.15.

Lagstatistikk i de siste kampene

Siste kamper Boston Breach Atlanta FaZe
5 kamper (seire) 2 [bortevinnerrate_5]
10 kamper (seire) 4 8

Gamblere vil definitivt være interessert i statistikken over personlige møter mellom lagene. Konkurrentene har holdt 3 kamper. I disse kampene vant Boston Breach 0 ganger, Atlanta FaZe aktive consisits av 3 seire.

Boston Breach vs Atlanta FaZe: Match Prediction. 02.12.22, Call of Duty, Call of Duty League 2023: Stage 1 Major Qualifiers
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