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Forutsigelse av kamp: PSG Talon - Team BDS | LoL

Worlds 2023 LoL - Play-In
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The first stage of Worlds 2023 is coming to an end. We have only one match left to watch for in the Play-In.

BDS and PSG Talon will close out the stage with their bo5 match. The winner advances to the group stage, while the loser goes home.

Let's see which of the teams will make it to the group stage and fight with the best teams in the world, and who is destined to be one step away from the coveted goal.

Let's go.

Form BDS

We open the match analysis with the analysis of BDS form. In this match the European club will play as slight favourites with odds to win at around 1.7.

At LEC Winter 2023 BDS reached the group stage, but quickly fell out of it, taking the last place in their quartet. The result was a top-7 finish.

Next up was LEC Spring 2023 and BDS' moment of glory. Completely unexpectedly, they reached the grand final, but there they lost to MAD Lions, who were on a terrific spree in the spring.

  • BDS line-up: Adam, Sheo, nuc, Crownie, Labrov.

Before LEC Finals 2023 BDS played at LEC Summer 2023. They were one map short of reaching the play-offs. They finished the championship on the 5th place.

Thanks to the near top places and top 2 at LEC Spring 2023 BDS managed to get to LEC Finals 2023, and also to the top grid, where they got to G2 Esports in the first round. The International didn't end up with anything interesting and G2 had no trouble closing out the match with a 3-1 score.

After the defeat from the main favourite of LEC Finals 2023 - G2 Esports - BDS played against SK Gaming. The German club was unable to give anything to the French and fell with a score of 0-3.

However, BDS' path to the LEC Finals 2023 ended with the game against SK. The team lost to Fnatic 2-3 in the next round of the lower bracket, thus failing to make it into the top 3 of the tournament for direct participation in the main tournament.

BDS have already started Worlds 2023 on a positive note. They ran over Golden Guardians at the Worlds Qualifying Series in class, thus snatching a slot in the same Play-In.

After a confidence-boosting win over GG at the Worlds Qualifying Series, BDS unexpectedly fell in their first match at Worlds 2023. They lost to No. 2 Vietnam, thus becoming the main losers of the World Championship so far.

They managed to partially rehabilitate themselves in the match against DFM. The Japanese club did not provide proper resistance and BDS closed the series with a very simple 2-0.

In the match for the exit here BDS played against CTBC. The Frenchmen outclassed their opponents to close the series 2-0.

Most popular BDS champions

On the top line the most frequent picks are KSante (4 matches, 50% wins), Gnar (3 matches, 100% wins).

Foresters picks are Wukong (4 matches, 50% wins), Vi (2 matches, 50% wins), Nocturne (2 matches, 50% wins), Viego (2 matches, 0% wins).

On the centre line Gragas (4 matches, 50% wins), Annie (4 matches, 50% wins).

Aphelios (6 matches, 33% wins), Jinx (3 matches, 66% wins), Zeri (2 matches, 100% wins).

Lulu (3 matches, 66% wins), Rakan (3 games, 0% wins), Nautilus (2 matches, 50% wins).

PSG Talon uniforms

We continue the match analysis with the analysis of PSG Talon form. In this match, the team will play as an outsider with a minimal margin of victory: the odds are at around 2.

PSG Talon had a pretty easy time qualifying for Worlds 2023 under the Taiwanese quota. Roughly speaking, they simply had no competition in their region.

During the year, PSG Talon won the PCS home tournament twice. They won at PCS Spring 2023 and PCS Summer 2023.

  • PSG Talon roster: Azhi, Junjin, Maple, Wako, Woody.

In addition to regional successes, PSG Talon has been consistently recognised at the international level. And they have been doing so since their appearance on the competition scene, i.e. 2020.

At the Worlds series championships the results are as follows: TOP-12 at the 2020 Worlds, TOP-11 at the 2021 Worlds. Skipped the Worlds last year, finishing in the Top 3 on the home stage for the first time. Still appeared at MSIs, where the best result was a top-3 at MSI 2021. Incidentally, they also travelled to MSI this year, but couldn't jump above the top 9.

Worlds 2023 PSG Talon started with a confident victory over Rainbow7. The Mexicans were able to last less than an hour on two maps.

They continued it with a win over LOUD. PSG Talon easily shut down the Brazilians with a score of 2-0, thus becoming the only team not to lose a single map at the Play-In.

The most popular PSG Talon champions

Gragas (3 matches, 100% wins) and Kennen (3 matches, 66% wins) remain the most popular and successful champions on the top line.

Wukong (6 games, 33% wins) and Sejuani (4 matches, 100% wins) play in the forest.

The centre line is played with Ahri (4 matches, 0% wins), Tristana (3 matches, 100% wins) and Syndra (3 matches, 100% wins).

The ADC position is most often occupied by Lucian (4 matches. 50% wins), Aphelios (4 matches, 75% wins).

Nami (3 games, 66% wins), Thresh (3 matches, 100% wins) are often paired with shooters.

History of head-to-head meetings

Previously, the teams have not played each other in official matches. This match is the debut match.

Predicted result of the match PSG Talon - BDS at Worlds 2023

It is not quite clear why BDS are put as favourites. Obviously the European region is in more favour than Hong Kong, but PSG look ultimates at this Worlds. BDS take "home" billets with often unstandardised picks, but Talon are capable of outplaying their visions with their standard.

Bottom line: Talon wins.

Alle spill tips: EGWxxxBOT

Bookmakers & Statistics

PSG Talon
PSG Talon
Team BDS
Team BDS

Alle bookmakere har blitt enige om at PSG Talon er favoritten. Dette kan legges merke til fordi oddsen på dem er 1.818. Dette tallet i favør av Team BDS beløper seg til 1.973. Henholdsvis de siste er underdogs i den kommende kampen.

Hva er suksessene til lagene i de siste kampene

Siste kamper PSG Talon Team BDS
5 kamper (seire) 4 [bortevinnerrate_5]
10 kamper (seire) 8 5

Det er også fornuftig å huske statistikken over kampene mellom lagene. Deltakerne i kampen før møtet spilte 0 kamper med hverandre. I disse kampene vant PSG Talon 0 ganger, Team BDS aktive consisits av 0 seire.

PSG Talon vs Team BDS: Match Prediction. 15.10.23, LoL, Worlds 2023 LoL - Play-In
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